Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Sunday, December 11, 2011

"Oh Christmas Tree"

Carter and Layla had such a blast decorating our tree this year! The both love the lights and ornaments and Ark the elf might have another hiding spot..we shall see. Mimi also came down and helped me catch up on some baking since I have been such a sick mama here lately but finally doing better. Al also had his Christmas party last night for work and we cleaned up pretty nice and had a great time!

On our way to the Pagniello Christmas Party 2011.

Definite signs Mimi was here. Apparently Carter and Layla are quite the little bakers.

He loved decorating the tree this year. Of course Al and I did have to space out some ornaments that seemed to be right on top of each other.

The one ornament that after the party last night, Al nor I wanted to even look at.

The finished product! The house smells like fresh pine and I have some serious wrapping to catch up on but at least the tree is up and pretty as ever.


  1. Had a great time with my babies! Mimi misses them already.

  2. Look at you hot mama! You and Al look great! Love your beautiful tree. I know the kids loved decorating.
