Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Years Eve..Walhalla Style

This New Years Eve was spent in Walhalla visiting Nana, Mr. John, Paw-paw, Beetsie, and Ms. Donna. We had a quiet evening visiting and of course eating good food. Beetsie and Paw-paw were both in good spirits and enjoyed seeing Carter and Layla. Sadly, Nana, Mr. John, Al, nor I, stayed up to watch the ball drop (were getting old)..actually two little munchkins wore all four of us out.

Layla and Nana.

Layla trying to feed paw-paw and everyone else in the house for that matter.

Paw-paw not keeping a better watch on that scotch..haha.

Layla and Beetsie!

A tired boy settling down after some New Years fun.

Building a fort with Nana.

Layla and her partner in crime, Mr. John.

All dressed up and ready for the park.

Nana and Carter going to feed the fish..bread and Binky too.

Layla enjoying her stroller ride.

What a great New Years weekend!

Monday, December 26, 2011


The kids really enjoyed Christmas this year..in fact, it was hard for us to even get them to come eat a meal because they were so busy playing with their toys!

Loving on her brother!

Layla has her baby in the car seat all ready to go!

Layla's nursery!

Putting her baby night-night!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Dinner!

Christmas evening we went over to my grandmothers for Christmas dinner and we sure left full! Carter became the new present exchanger and Layla was quite the little entertainer this year (too many cookies and ham).

Merry Christmas from the Atlanta Hardins!

Layla and Mimi!

Wild girl..again, too many cookies and ham.

Riding on Mimi's rocking horse from when she was little.

Our crew!

Layla and Carter anticipating what Santa left them at Great Grandma and Great Paw Paw's house.

Layla and Uncle Nick!

Carter exchanging all the gifts!

Christmas in Dixie

Here are a few pictures from our Christmas morning! Santa sure was good to us this year! The kids had a blast opening presents this year and the looks on their faces was priceless! Merry Christmas from the Atlanta Hardins!

Layla and her stash!

Carter and his stash!!!!

Layla loves her baby doll and stroller! Her baby doll even has a matching dress like Layla!

Daddy going through his stocking!

Opening presents!

Carter found the pickle on the tree so he got an extra present..it actually worked out because Layla was scared of it haha!

Carter with his pickle!!!

Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Twas the night before Christmas!

Looks like Santa was awfully good to this naughty crew this year! To start off our Christmas Eve evening, we poured our reindeer food out on the back porch that Carter's class had made!

Oats and Cheerios
Glitter (To light the way to our house)

Then two very tired babies got put to bed waiting on Santa Claus!

Magic Reindeer food!

Let's hope the Reindeer food lights the way!

All tuckered out and waiting for Santa!

I guess he thought that if Santa saw him sleeping with a stuffed Santa that he might be taken off the naughty list.

Our big haul!
Santa was very good to little Layla...

and to Mr. Carter!

He even included Gracie!!

Stockings hung with care and too late St. Nick has already been here!

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!!!

New Christmas Cousin!

Tom and Sue got an early Christmas this year by welcoming our new niece Claire Margaret Hardin into the world weighing 7lbs 11oz and 20 1/2 inches long! Mom and baby are doing great and we cannot wait to meet this sweet little baby girl!

Congratulations to Tom, Sue, and big sister Molly!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Visit with Santa

Tonight Al and I took Carter and Layla to see Santa just like last year and the year before..except, this year it didn't as well for Layla.