Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Saturday playdate with Austin!

It has been way too long since Roxanna's little man and mine got to have a play date together. I loaded up the munchkins and went to the mall to see Roxanna and Austin. We had a blast! The boys got to catch up as well as the mamas! Little Layla also got to be in on the girl talk. It was great seeing them and we planned another one real soon.

First play date! Carter and Austin were born exactly two weeks apart. This picture was taken in October of 2008.

Here they are in October 2010 still up to the same old schemes!

Carter was so excited to play in all the cars.

The pink car was the only one that worked..these two didn't seem to mind..real men wear pink anyways..haha.

Layla hanging out with the mamas..her new trick is untying her shoes.

When they were babies we would always have them side by side in their strollers.

Carter and Austin riding the train together. Carter did not want to get off.

Layla with Roxanna.

Somebody looked mighty tired after a few laps around the mall chasing the boys on the train.

After the train ride, we all settled for some lunch. We use to have to grab two high chairs and now they sat at the table with their mamas like big boys.

Austin unsure about the merry-go-round and Carter in full gear ready to go.
Waving and smiling at the camera.
Roxanna and Austin finishing up lunch after the merry-go-round.

Good bye is never fun. I think my munchkins took a munch needed nap on the car ride home and were wired back up when we got home. Lets just say this mama was exhausted after today's trip to the mall but enjoyed seeing one of my best girl friends. What a great Saturday!

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