Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trick or Treat

This Halloween has probably been the best yet. Carter was such a big boy this year and fully understood the concept of trick or treating. I would say we walked about 2 miles and Carter was still full of energy. It was Al and I that were ready to call it a night and enjoy all of Carter's candy that he worked so hard for.

Thomas all geared up and ready to go and get that candy. We spent this Halloween at Al's bosses house (John). Wendy and Chris also came and joined us!

He later decided that he did not need the stroller.

My sweet mini mouse. The pea pod costume ended up being a little snug for this 17 pounder so I had to improvise a little bit.

Family photo before trick or treating!

Mini mouse all ready to go!

Or maybe not so much. Layla does not look real thrilled in her costume! The ears really bothered her.

Our pumpkins ended up being a great success! Thanks Uncle Nick!

This was a neighbors yard that put together this awesome little grave yard! I had to take a photo because it was like decorating for Christmas but for Halloween!

What a great Halloween for 2010!

Playdate with Mia

Today one of my good friends from High School came over and brought her baby to play with Layla and Carter. Layla (May 14th 11:00 p.m.) and Mia (May 18th 11:38 p.m.) are exactly 4 days and 38 minutes apart and are both absolutely adorable! It was great getting the babies together and having some mama time.

Layla loves other babies!

Mia's mama described her as a little air plane.

Big brown and green eyes!

Two proud mama's and their babies!

Rolling around and being silly!

Layla learning that getting your hair pulled does hurt. Now she knows how I feel.

And of course..trouble always on the scene. Carter didn't know what to do with two babies in the house. He was such a big helper and enjoyed helping with the little ones.

Hallows Eve

This Hallow's Eve was the perfect Saturday to just chill other then getting last minute things for the kid's costumes...

Hungry boy waiting for his big breakfast.

French toast, hash brown casserole, and plenty of bacon..what an awesome Halloween breakfast!

Layla enjoying the beautiful October weather after breakfast..and hers was not french toast. She preferred the oatmeal.

This was her little pumpkin she got from the pumpkin patch at school!

Somebody was feeling a little under the weather but quickly spruced back up after breakfast.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Pumpkin Carvin

Tonight Uncle Nick came over and carved our pumpkins! Carter was much more involved this year! He had some much fun helping take out the pulp and seeds.

Our pretty pumpkin!

Getting ready to dig in!

Uncle Nick working his magic on the pumpkin.

Uncle Nick showing Carter how it's done.

Layla even joined in on the fun before bed.

Our newly carved pumpkin!

I think we are ready for our trick or treaters!

Carter's Halloween Party

Today was Carter's class party at school and it was great getting to spend it with him. There were lots of games, scary stories, food, lots of juice, and Carter's favorite..cupcakes!

The little crew eating their cookies and applesauce and of course drinking their juice.

Carter ready to play some games!

This game, they had to jump on these color pads and throw a bean bag in the pumpkin!

Carter ready to throw that bean bag and get a prize!

Making little pumpkin magnets!

Our little pumpkin!

The kids also got to decorate a pumpkin and take it home!

Yummy cupcakes!

Decorating his pumpkin!

While the others were dancing to the music, my little guy decided to sit down and settle for a scary story right in the middle of the dance floor..haha! What a great way to end my Thursday!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Laughing Layla

Someone who is extra super cute is starting to giggle a lot more now! Could it be Layla Nicole?

Exersaucer fun!

One of Carter's favorite toys as a baby has been brought back from 2008 into the soon to be ending 2010 for miss Layla. As can you observe from the video, Carter decides that this is one of his long lost favorite toys!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Church Fall Festival

This Sunday after church, our church hosted their annual fall festival. It was a lot of fun and the munchkins and I had a great time. Wendy also decided to join us! There were awesome festivities and a great way to end a beautiful weekend.

Carter enjoying the famous moonwalk.

He decided that if he was already down he wouldn't fall from jumping.

Smiling for mama.

Wendy and Layla.

Layla wishing she could roll around the moonwalk.

The festival.

My babies and I enjoying the festival.

Wendy and Carter walking ahead.

Pumpkin decorating!

Our little pumpkin!

It was such a nice day out!

Somebody obviously had way too much fun!

Sweet baby!

We settled for some snow cones after walking around the festival a few times. For October it sure was a warm day. What a great weekend!