Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Friday, August 20, 2010

Crazy Week

This week has been an absolute mess and I am so glad today is Friday. After hearing the news of Carter, we can only pray and hope for the best. I want to thank everyone so much for your love and support. However, I still managed to get some shots of the kids this week. They are kinda sporadic--no particular order of events.

Getting ready for bath time--I love this part of the night because it means bedtime is right around the corner.
Both kids--fed, bathed, and ready for books and bed time=mission accomplished.
Carter loves recruiting people into his bed--haha. I think he likes to show everyone he is a big boy now. I am not concerned at this point.

Somebody obviously isn't very happy--this was taken this morning before daycare.
Carter and his dinner companion. I did not feel like cooking so the crew settled with Burger King.
"Ummmm--yeah--so where is my food?" One burger bottle a coming up!
We do this new thing with Carter and Al or I will make a statement and say "right Carter" and he always says the opposite parent and he gets the biggest kick out of it to.
Still amused that he said "right daddy" over mama. Layla nor I was laughing.
"I still haven't seen my bottle yet!"

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