Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sweat Test

Al and I got the best news this afternoon from his allergist. He does not have Cystic Fibrosis. We were both so happy. We still are waiting on some additional blood work but I am sure it will all turn out okay. I appreciate everyone sending their prayers to Carter. God doesn't throw anything at you that you cannot handle. Here are some pictures of our "sweat walk".

In the garden at Scottish Rite trying to get this boy to sweat.
He loved this turtle.

Two clean little butts!

Bath time is always Carter and Layla's favorite time of night. I was able to take a few pictures of them tonight being wild and crazy in the tub and then all snug in their beds.

Chubby girl but clean!
Carter being mischievous .
Happy boy!
Out cold!
Sleeping beauty!

Sunday, August 29, 2010


Today Layla was baptised at First United Methodist Church of Lawrenceville by Dr. David Chappell. It was a special event for us and we are so blessed to have celebrated the event with family and friends.
Bev and Al in February 1984 in the same gown.
Haley and Layla August 2010 in the exact same gown as her daddy (above).
Mommy, daddy, and Layla before the service.
Al, Layla, and I after the baptism.
Layla, mommy, daddy, and her god parents..Chris and Wendy Fuller.
The Pastor, Layla, mommy, and daddy.
Mommy and a one hungry baby!
Layla and her godparents.

Outside the church.

Generation picture. Layla was named after my grandma's mother..Lala Bailey.

Layla and her grandmothers.

All the awesome food.

Layla's cake.."God Bless Layla."

Layla enjoying her icing.

Layla, myself, and two of her uncles. Missing Uncles Tom, Michael, and Jim.

I think Uncle Nick is finally catching on.

And yes, of course trouble was on the scene.

Layla and her new bracelet from great grandma Lucy and Great grandfather Ernest.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Guess WHO?

Layla, mama, daddy, or Carter..you decide!

Layla..nope that is her mother dearest a few months after February 1987.
This is Layla.
Layla in the exact same suit I wore as a newborn baby.
Me a few days old in the same outfit that Layla is in above. My hair was as jet black and I also had a little jaundice. Doesn't everyone love Pam's 1980's nightgown..haha.
Mama in a very 80's bouncy seat or maybe these were the car seats. I love how I was just stuck in there. Sometimes, like my children I had the look like "QUIT TAKING PICTURES"!
Layla..nope! That's her mama at 3 months old. I was just skinnier. Add another five pounds to me here..you get Layla..haha.
Ah Bev..I love that my husband was bathed in the sink. Some more 80's kinks. Al and I think this kinda looks like Banks.

Nick (left) and Michael (right) (my brothers). I think Carter is a spitting image of Nick.
Bev, holding her first grandson in May 2008, Carter Riley Hardin!
Bev, holding his daddy in December of 1983!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

RSV and Crazy Sunday

Layla this past week was diagnosed with RSV so Al and I have really been given the run around with these munchkins lately. Odd, because this is not RSVs peeking season for babies--however, I think it is a mild case because she is recovering very well.

After, church we spent the rest of the afternoon horsing around (Carter) and relaxing for the busy week ahead!

Layla receiving her Albuterol inhaler..poor thing. Just pitiful! I find myself checking on her fifty times during the night.
She actually does really well with this. She does not cry or anything. You know this girl like to eat when instead of crying when she gets her breathing treatment through the nebulizer..she tries to eat the steam instead (that's my girl). What am I going to do with her?
These two=DOUBLE TROUBLE! But I love them!
Kisses for my sweet baby boy! Instead of "I love you"..he says "I Youuuuuuuu"..it is too cute!
Smiling and laughing with her mama!
He was upset because "Wayywa" lost her sock. He didn't want her feet to get cold.
Here doggy doggy!
I don't know. He is wild and crazy and loves to tackle the pillows. He and I have that in common..I am one crazy mama. Carter will say "cwaaaaasey mama".

Little Baby, Big Bed

I had just put Carter down for his nap and somebody else was very much still awake so I put her here while I got ready to go and run errands after Carter's nap.

The bed like swallows her whole.
Smiling at mama. To her, this is the biggest crib she has ever seen!
Little side action..
Along with some drool
And then, telling mommy to "shhhhhhhhhhhh and go get ready".