Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Monday, March 1, 2010

February 2010 Wrap up!

This February was a very busy month for us. We had some crazy weather at the beginning of the month and finished up with some nice sunny weather.

**Visit with Nana Bev**

Carter riding the car! I am not sure that I want him having a license this soon.

Having a drink before the train ride.

Nana and Carter riding around the Mall of GA on the choo-choo train.

Getting Carter to smile and look at the camera is quite an effort these days.

**Visit to the Yellow River Game Ranch**

It was a nice weekend for the game ranch. We enjoyed visiting with all the critters.

Carter and Daddy getting ready to look at the bears.

Carter loved petting the dear. We never get to see them this close.


The american buffalo

I snaped this little guy because he is so cute and he loved eating Carter's crackers.

1 comment:

  1. Awww the nuggett is getting so big. He is looking more and more like a big boy. It was good getting to see you all this weekend. Can't wait until our annual Gatlinburg trip at the end of this month. Our cabin rocks!
