Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Saturday, November 14, 2009

My new blog!!!

I was starting to feel a little left out since I seemed to be the only grandchild that did not have a blog. However, now I feel like one of the cool kids. As you all know, I had my ear surgery October 19th and I am feeling a lot better. No more random fevers and I am starting to eat a lot better now that I feel better. Mommy took me to the doctor to finally get caught up on my shots and I was not a happy camper. The Varivax and MMR really kicked my butt. They were the first two shots I ever had go in the back of my arms. Overall, I am very healthy and growing just fine.

Height: 34 1/2 inches >95%

Weight: 23lbs 4oz 25%

Head Circumference 43 cm 50%

*It appears that I am tall and skinny with a well rounded head.

My new vocabulary is driving mommy and daddy nuts. I just want to tell them everything I know and want them to tell me everything I do not know. If you ask me what certain animals say I can repeat the sounds they make back to you. I can also count to "8".

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