Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Baby belly 16w2d.

Today I had yet another doctor's appointment and everything looks great. Her little heartbeat was picked up on the Doppler machine and she sounds great. Looking forward to another ultrasound in four weeks for the big 20 weeks. Not quite showing yet..but maybe by Christmas the belly pics will be more interesting.

My first haircut!!!

Last Sunday, I got my first haircut and pretty much screamed the whole time Miss Laurel cut my hair. I would not sit in the chair by myself so Mimi had to hold me. Here are some of my pictures.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Baby girl Hardin!!

Today Mommy went for an ultrasound and it determined that I am having a baby sister. Yes, IT'S A GIRL!!!! Here are a few shots of her.

Baby girl Hardin 15w1d:

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Hardin baby #2

Baby week 8:

I am going to be expecting a baby brother or sister about or around May 11th..funny seeing I was due May 12th. I sure hope I do not have to share my birthday with this impostor (mommy is hoping the end of April). Mommy and daddy couldn't be more excited about their little end of August surprise. Mommy is still having severe morning sickness and had to be put on medicine to feel better. She is 15 weeks and going strong. Mommy and daddy find out if I am having a brother or sister on Wednesday. I will keep you guys updated. Looks like another Hardin baby is joining the klan.

My new blog!!!

I was starting to feel a little left out since I seemed to be the only grandchild that did not have a blog. However, now I feel like one of the cool kids. As you all know, I had my ear surgery October 19th and I am feeling a lot better. No more random fevers and I am starting to eat a lot better now that I feel better. Mommy took me to the doctor to finally get caught up on my shots and I was not a happy camper. The Varivax and MMR really kicked my butt. They were the first two shots I ever had go in the back of my arms. Overall, I am very healthy and growing just fine.

Height: 34 1/2 inches >95%

Weight: 23lbs 4oz 25%

Head Circumference 43 cm 50%

*It appears that I am tall and skinny with a well rounded head.

My new vocabulary is driving mommy and daddy nuts. I just want to tell them everything I know and want them to tell me everything I do not know. If you ask me what certain animals say I can repeat the sounds they make back to you. I can also count to "8".