Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Merry Christmas!

We had a wonderful Christmas again this year surrounded by family and lots of good comfort food. Santa Claus was extra good to the kiddos as well, but they definitely deserved it after all their hard work.
Annual stair picture, anticipation is killer!

Happy boy! It was a very "Pokemon filled Christmas" to say the least.

And a very "American Girl" filled Christmas.

Opening presents with Mimi.
Picture with Great-Grandma and Papa with cousin, Baylee.

Mimi's favorite gift, the Donald Trump chia addition. Bwhahahahaha!

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Christmas Eve 2016!

Opening their annual Christmas PJs'!

Cookies and Milk for Santa!

Saturday, December 24, 2016


Christmas Eve, my grandparents have been married 65 years! We threw them a little party to celebrate.

Looking hot and ready to drive off in their first ride. My Papa completely restored their 1952 Chevrolet.

All of their 8 grandchildren and all 7 of their great-grandchildren were there. They did pretty good.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Carter's Christmas Party!

Surprised my sweet boy at his holiday party yesterday! 

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Hardin Christmas 2016!

We had a great time this weekend visiting with Al's family for Christmas! Lots of much needed cousin time and fun!

Braving the rain and cold for some adventuring in Clemson.

Papa Craig's house he lived in with his parents.

Movie night! Moana and Star Wars!

Sunday church with PawPaw, Aunt Cha, and Nana Bev!

Friday, December 16, 2016

Layla's Christmas Show!

Layla had her first school performance last week, and she was so excited to show us her new moves and grooves. I think we were all a little sick of "Jingle Bells" by the time it was over. She practiced in the car, shower, dinner, you name it!

Watching our sweet girl!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Santa and a Goat!

My mom and I took the kiddos on a little road trip to one of our favorite spots to see Santa and a 

Last time, we were here was in the summer of 2015!

Santa and Tiger the Goat.
The crew!