Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Friday, January 29, 2016

Jenkins Academy

Layla got accepted into the Jenkins Academy at school this past week! It's an advanced math program that requires two super early mornings a week (she has to be there at 7:00 a.m).

Her ride obviously does not approve of the time scheduled-ha!
My sweet girl all ready to go! So proud of her!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Field Trip!

Layla had her first field trip today to the Aurora Theater to see "The Three Little Bears." Me being the classroom mom, got to tag along for the fun! Riding a Gwinnett County school bus really brought back some memories!

My sweet girl all ready to go!

School bus selfie!
Walking in to see the show.
Layla and her sweet friend, Madison.
This was all I was able to capture of the show. We were not allowed to take any pictures or videos, but the show was awesome and really cute! Definitely a fun day!

Monday, January 25, 2016

Snowpacalypse 2016!

Another disappointing snowfall for Atlanta this past weekend. Al, the kiddos, and I were hoping for some decent snow and barely got a dusting. For once, I was grateful that Gwinnett County did not close school Friday despite the other metro-counties lead. One day we will not have to make up!

Our pitiful accumulation, sleet.

By the time the kids woke up and got ready to play, the snow had already melted.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Proud mama!

So proud of these two for making the honor roll again this nine weeks!

She wanted to get a manicure for making good grades, so we arranged that for her. A much needed GIRL'S DAY!

She knew exactly what colors she wanted and which fingers were getting each color.
A manicure well deserved!
This guy wanted to go see the new Star Wars for his reward, so while Layla and I had a girl's day, Al took Carter to see the show.

Thursday, January 14, 2016


Happy Birthday to my sweet niece, Baylee Lucille!! We love you sweet girl!

Winter days!

A little after school park fun!

Friday, January 8, 2016

Back on the grind

Happy New Year!

Carter and Layla started school back Wednesday and no matter how we try and prepare ourselves, we're never really ready. I say "we" because that includes me as well. I start school on Monday--grrr. Back to reality!

Layla's face said it all Wednesday morning before school..
They clean up nice and of course, super precious.
Carter looking like a 90's troll with that hair.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Quite the scare...

Some everyday shopping landed us straight in the emergency room. Definitely an unsettling way to bring in 2016! Vomiting and a sudden high fever caused our sweet girl to seize in the store parking lot. Talk about shop until you drop..literally.

It hit her rather quickly and caused her to have a febrile seizure which is caused by a sudden spike in body temperature. Layla being at the tail end of the age group at which this generally occurs, we wanted to have her evaluated. Turns out, it was just a nasty viral illness and she has been on the mend--back at school as of Wednesday.