Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Friday, October 30, 2015


After squeezing all of Halloween's festivities into one week, we managed to get the pumpkins carved Halloween Eve. 

Carter and Layla's pumpkins.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Pumpkin' Pickin'

We were a little late this year picking our pumpkins; however, in the midst of the craze, we managed to get it done at our usual spot. Randy's Pumpkin Patch!

Lots to choose from!
We have a winner!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Team party!

Another great season of baseball has come and gone! Carter celebrated a great season with his teammates! Lots of fun, fellowship, pizza, and BASEBALL! Gearing up for the spring for another season of baseball and softball (yes, Layla wants to play)!

Carter receiving his trophy basket from his head coach.
So proud of this sweet guy! He survived his first season of Pee Wee!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Corn Dawgs!

We went to our favorite corn maze spot this past weekend and had a blast as usual! The kiddos have changed so much since last year and the year before that.

The mighty slide!

Cousin Baylee, Uncle Nick, and Nicole joined us as well! Lots of family fun!
It doesn't get any more precious than this...
Petting zoo!
Lots of pumpkin patch picture fails--LOL!

Lost..as usual, but always fun trying to find our way out.

Loving fall!

Monday, October 19, 2015


Love this guy more and more everyday! Hard to believe its been eight years! Happy anniversary!

Friday, October 16, 2015

Game Day!

My little Met had an awesome game! Hard to believe baseball is almost over and his tournament starts this weekend. He has grown so much as a ball player this season. His two strong positions are pitcher and right fielder!

One handsome boy! 
On first base getting ready to run!

On third! First time actually making it to home plate without getting out on the other bases.
His team had a great win!
My baby was one of those 15 points! So proud of him!
Carter receiving the game ball for scoring his first run!

Sunday, October 4, 2015


Nana Bev came down for the weekend to watch Carter's baseball games. Unfortunately, the games got rained out due to the two week monsoon, but we still had a wonderful visit.