Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Stepping into fall!!

We are nice and ready for fall around here! 

Love cool fall mornings!
So ready for boots and jeans! Layla has already beat me to it. She loves picking out her school clothes.
Practicing baseball even on his way to school.

Uniform Fridays!! 
Warm morning snuggles! Despite the temperature drop, Al still feels the need to blast the AC. Haha!
Fun fall crafts!

Gwinnett County Fair!

Carter and I went to the fair with his friend Lewis and had a blast! I remember going to the fair when I was a kid. Lots of memories for sure!

First roller coaster ride without Mama (It was a mini one).
"Milking a cow" at the petting zoo.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Opening Weekend!

Carter man had his first two games last weekend! We took a pretty hard hit from the Marlins Friday night (the game was at 7:30, talk about tired kiddos), but came back with a vengeance against the Yankees the next afternoon. It's going to be a great season! Go Mets!

My little Met!
Team pictures were the same day.

My little Met in action.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Knight at the Museum!

Carter and Layla had their first annual Knight at the Museum for the 2015 school year.

The Knight....at the Museum.
They were so excited to show me all their hard work.
Working on some activities in Layla's classroom.

Carter showing us his audio presentation about James Oglethorpe.
He also showed us his PowerPoint he made.
I could of found Carters whether his name was on it or not.
Carter's class made a test for the parents to complete. According to Carter, I did very well! If I wasn't a nursing major, I would definitely be a history major. I am a great teammate for Trivia FYI-haha!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Papa Craig and Grandma

Had a quick visit from Papa Craig and Grandma Wednesday night. Had a great dinner catching up!

The crew (Papa Craig taking the picture).

Wednesday, September 2, 2015


As I was getting ready to start my Chemistry homework, I found my book bag and its contents scattered across the floor. Not to mention, my Chemistry book was no where in sight.

How I found my book bag.
Much to my delight, this is where I found my Chemistry book. Not only does he love this book, he decided he's more intrigued with Biochemistry as opposed to the others. This child...lord have mercy! Haha.