Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Thursday, August 27, 2015

My girl!

Layla had her belated five year old check up today. Much to my surprise, this sweet girl grew three whole inches in one year! She's catching up to her big brother pretty fast. Her stats were as follows:

Weight: 44lbs (67%)
Height: 45in (85%)

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Back in the dirt!

Fall baseball has started back up, and Carter is ready for another great season! Looking forward to cool fall Saturdays and concession stand nachos.

He is all into it this year! Charging the ball and the pitchers mound. That's my baby!

Hitting the ball and taking off to first base.
Heading towards home...
and leaping in for the big slide. Of course I did not capture that; however, I have the evidence in another picture.
Practice wrap up with coach.
About that evidence...he was literally covered in dirt from his hat to his cleats.
After practice supper at Colossus Pizza! A complete blast from the past.

Friday, August 14, 2015

First week wrap up!

Carter and Layla had a great first week back at school. 

Uniform day!

After school ice-cream tradition!
Since kindergarten, these kiddos have gotten together for ice cream on the first day of school.
After school park fun!

Monday, August 10, 2015

1st Day of School!

It's such a bittersweet feeling having both my kiddos in school. It's still hard to believe summer break has come and gone, and the craziness has restarted. I enjoyed being home with them this summer, and I am truly going to miss them. Classes start back for me next week.

Book bags and lunches are packed and ready to go.
My sweet babies!
My big and bad second grader.
He sure has grown since his first grade picture.
My sweet kindergartner! She was so excited about school today that she woke up all on her own.
She also has grown since her Pre-k picture.

Layla and her teacher, Mrs. Weese.

Thursday, August 6, 2015


Met the kiddos teachers this past Thursday! It's going to be so nice having both kiddos at the same school. Looking forward to a great year!

Heading out the door!
Layla getting to know her classroom.
She is ready for kindergarten! Although the look on her face says differently.
Outside her classroom!
Meeting Carter's teacher, Mrs. Agbi!
Outside his classroom.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Wrapping up Summer break!

Wrapping up summer as we know it anyways. Here is a collage of our last few weeks. 

I am really going to miss...

summer Sunday's after church...
hungry tummies after a fun filled day at the pool...
summer visits from the tooth fairy...
after dinner tea parties with daddy...
teaching them how to make scrambled eggs...
comforting him after the loss of his pet Betta fish...
picking fresh veggies from our garden...
morning snuggles in our bed...
trips to the theater to see newly released movies...
summer date nights with this guy...
occasional donut surprises from our favorite shop (yes, that is bacon on two of them)...
watching shows with my favorite little man...
and lastly, running summer errands with my main man.

Back to school August 10th :(

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Back to school BASH!

Our church hosted a back to school event on Saturday which happened to be on my old stomping grounds, Brookwood High School! Moon walks, football tosses, and snow cones! How else could you possibly bring in the new school year?

What started out a cloudy day ended up being beautiful.
My precious rising kindergartner and second grader. Proud mama!
Blue snow-cone=blue lips!

Layla wasn't in the selfie taking mood and needed a nap.