Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Friday, October 31, 2014


Celebrated Halloween at our usual spot, Mr. John and Carolyn's house! I had Jaws and Aurora this year. It was the first year Layla didn't need me to walk her up to the door (tears). She was all in it this year and thinks she is one of the boys!

My Aurora all ready to go.
A little hair spray, glitter, and lipstick.
Pumpkin and Frankenstein pudding we made for the kiddos!
My Jaws and Aurora!

It's a blurry one but the only one I managed to get of them actually trick-or-treating. They were too quick this year.

Class Partayyy!

I went to my sweet girl's Halloween party today at school. Lots of eating (sugar), singing, and Halloween fun!

She was so excited to dress up for school. This is not her Halloween costume but was perfect for school today.
Class scarecrow.

Owl cupcakes! Pinterest is a wonderful thing.
Lots of sugar and this doesn't even include trick or treating.
Layla and Isabella.

A little class party selfie action.
The little boy in the bumble bee costume looks absolutely miserable. He told me his mom made him wear it. Poor kiddo.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

All Hallows Eve Eve!

A little pumpkin carving fun tonight! 

Two pumpkins ready to become jack-o-lanterns!
Ready to get their hands dirty!

My biggest kid of all.
Our craftsmanships.

Reading "In the Dark Dark Room." This book brought me way back. Not to mention how creepy my kiddos look.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Poor choices

Carter didn't have a good day at school today and decided that he needed a "new look" to show it. 

Nothing like a call from the teacher on a Monday...
Getting it fixed...Part of his punishment is having no hair at all.
I think for Halloween I will have him go as Uncle Fester from The Adams Family. 

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Baylee's Baptism

My sweet niece was baptized on Sunday along with her cousin, Harper! 

Sweet girl not knowing what to think of all the commotion.

What's an event without cake?
The apple of my eye after the baptism. She was trying to smile her way out of a nap.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Lawrenceville Lawn!

A new park opened up in downtown Lawrenceville and the kids were just itching to check it out! 

Perfect weather for a park day!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Corn Dawgs!

We took the kiddos to Corn Dawgs today and had just as much fun if not more then last year! Mimi, Baylee, and family came too!! 

The three musketeers!
There are so many things to do at this place!

My sweet little niece!

Trying to find pennies in all that corn was quite the task.
We didn't have very much luck finding pennies, however, I am still finding corn the clothes they wore.
Fun in the pumpkin patch!

The map of the corn maze before we got lost for an hour.

Fall family photo!
Sweet cuddles with this little munchkin!