Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Monday, June 30, 2014

Sunday sundaes!

Sundaes with sprinkles are always the best way to end a weekend!

Friday, June 27, 2014

Game Ranch!!

I took the kiddos to the Yellow River Game Ranch today! Perfect way to spend our Friday afternoon and bring on the weekend. 

Precious Angels!
This place has looked the same since I was a toddler.
This guy is gorgeous! However, the only reason he got like this was because Carter and Layla startled him. Only my two haha!

We love the goat nursery!

I still want a goat but that conversation never goes over well at my house.
How I feel on a hot summer day in Georgia.
I didn't know buffalos ate pineapple and peppers,

With General Lee!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Family visit!

Visited family in Charlotte this past weekend! The kids had a wonderful time spending the weekend with their cousins.

Give them a good 10 years=trouble! 
"Ridin dirty" in a little red stang haha! Hard to believe they will both be driving in 10 years!
We celebrated Victoria's 3rd birthday while we were in town!
Party spread!

These two...
After all the screaming and giggling they did, I am not sure how they have any vocal cords left.
All the grands with Nana Bev and Mr. John. Missing Molly and Claire.
Present time!
Goodbye is always the hardest part but we will see y'all again soon!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Here and there..

Lots of summer fun going on here..pool trips, Chucky Cheese, backyard fun, and fun with friends. Just an assortment of things on my phone the last couple of days.

Pool days are always the best during summer!
Carter and his buddy, Josiah.

Layla having some backyard fun!
Practicing her princess curtsy.
A little pizza and game fun at Chucky Cheese.

Smiles after lunch on a rainy day!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Father's Day 2014

Happy Father's Day to my baby daddy! We spent this Father's Day relaxing at the pool and just taking it easy.

He requested french toast for his Father's Day breakfast.
Al's haul from the kiddos and I. I had a little too much fun on Pinterest as you can see.
Our view for the day.

These sweet faces make everyday worth while.

And a very happy Father's Day to my dad!