Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Stone Mountain

Sunday, we met Craig and Mabel at Stone Mountain with the kiddos. They had a blast getting to ride the train (which we did twice), going to the 3D theater, and visiting all the exhibits.

The beautiful mountain.
Papa Craig and Mabel riding on the train.
Carter and daddy! The train was his favorite part!
My sweet baby girl and I.
My sweet babies! They were out after no nap and all the excitement!
And also a very tired mama and daddy!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Game Day

Another big win for The Little Bulldogs and Papa Craig and Mabel came down to help celebrate the big win!

Papa Craig and Carter after his game!
The crew minus Mabel who was taking the picture getting ready to go and grab some lunch to celebrate!

Uncle Chase's Prom

Saturday, my baby brother attended his first prom! I can't believe he is a senior in High School and how grown up he is. It seems like only yesterday, he was a baby.

So grown up! We love him so much.
Uncle Chase and his girls.
Proud Paw-paw and Grandma.
Chase and his date, Morgan! Morgan brought her whole family too!
Little Miss Thing had to ease her way into the picture. Layla loved all the pretty dresses. She thought the girls all looked like princesses. 
The group.

I thought I was high rolling and ridin' dirty when I went in a limo to prom. Now, they go in what is called a party bus. Looks like a Charter bus on the outside...
Party and dance floor on the inside.

Saturday, April 13, 2013


After Peyton's party we were invited to a cookout by some of the parents from Carter's baseball team and well the title says it all!

Slip...and...(Layla had more fun trying to drink the water like it was a water fountain).
Followed by hamburgers and hot dogs! What an exhausting but fun Saturday!!!

Peyton's Party!

Little Miss Thing got invited to her very first birthday party this past Saturday (April 13th)! Her friend Peyton celebrated his 3rd birthday as a pirate!

Happy girl invited to her first school birthday party!
Carter decided he wanted to come too! When you invite one, the other is basically going to follow. Neither one of them want to miss out on a good party.

Whats a good party without pizza?
And CAKE??
Birthday boy!
Batter up! This was probably one of the hardest pinatas I had ever seen.
Showing off his baseball skills.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Julian's Birthday

Carter has made so many new friends through baseball this last year and birthday season is already starting! Carter's friend Julian celebrated his 5th birthday at Catch Air. The kids had such a good time and took a nice nap after the party.

The sweet birthday boy! Julian was on Carter's team this past fall.
Group picture of all the kiddos!
Sponge Bob came out to dance on the dance floor.
Somebody wasn't very fond of Sponge Bob or anything dressed up for that matter. I don't see Disney World being in our near future at all.
Carter and Nicholas! They have been on the same team for the last two seasons!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Playground Picnic!

We have been really loving all the nice weather we have been getting lately here in Georgia. So today we decided to load the kids up in the stroller and walk down to the playground and have a picnic!

Sweet babies enjoying the nice weather!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter 2013

We spent this Easter in Walhalla with Nana! The kids had such a good time and were very excited to see that the Easter bunny found them all the way at Nana's house!

Visit with Beetsie! She was so happy to see all of us.
The kids fought over who got to help Nana push Beetsie's wheelchair.
The Proud Easter bunnies! The Easter Nana was in her PJs refusing a pic..haha.
Our eggs we dyed!
Low and behold, the Easter bunny did manage to find Carter and Layla at Nanas.  The pink bunny basket was mine when I was a baby.
We can all tell who was excited about Easter. Maybe the food woke him up.
What did the Easter bunny bring?
Aunt Cha, Paw-paw, and Nana.
Easter egg hunt. I am surprised Carter let her find some haha.
Comparing their findings!