Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Fun at the park!

Today Al and I decided to load up the kids and Gracie and go to the park. We had a nice long walk and the kids got to run a lot of energy off so Al and I could also catch a nap.

Pretty girl enjoying the warmer weather in January!

Someone didn't want to play on the smaller playground and was a little grumpy.

Going down the slide like a big girl!

Getting ready for nap time!

Someone usually perks right up in order to avoid a nap.

This mess will have to wait until after nap time!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Birthday Fun!

Saturday Carter got invited to Mary Kate's birthday party at Catch All. This was the perfect place to host a party..full of moonwalks, playgrounds, a gym, and of course..CAKE! Carter had a great time playing with his friends and took a long nap after this party.

I think we all had a hard time keeping up with our child!

Carter and Landon.

Carter dancing with Micah.

Carter showing off his moves on the dance floor.

Micah and the birthday girl, Mary Kate.

Someone a little exhausted. This party managed to go straight through our usual nap time. Carter loves a good party but he also loves a good nap!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Big Girl!!!

Someone has taken a huge interest in the potty lately
and her name begins with "L"
and end ends in an "A"
She might be more excited about underwear then her brother..

And sure enough, she went peepee in the potty..spaghetti faced and all!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

3 going on 16

Today Carter had his first set of driving lessons. With a little coaching and encouraging, I would say this little fella had it all figured out. Everyone pleased be advised to stay off the roads.

He was actually a little nervous at first. Of course we had the usual tap on/tap off of the gas petal until he figured out that in order to make it drive consistently, he had to leave his foot on the petal.

And then there was a little frustration which is natural when learning to drive any vehicle and we as parents still think we have that imaginary break that does exist. Mimi still thinks she has that break when she rides with me..eeek.

Once he got it, this little guy took off in a flash.

The weather these last few days has not been the best driving weather so today was his first real test drive. I think we will have a pro on our hands!

WATCH OUT FOR THE CURB! So we had a few oop's, ahhhs, and holy s***s..but overall he did real well his first time out.

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Oh yeah we brought in 2012 with the right meal!
Collard greens for wealth
Black eyed peas for good luck
Corn Bread because it fits the meal
Mac and Cheese for the complainers who were not thrilled about this meal (Al and Carter) but, I think we can all agree that we need wealth and good luck so believe me when I say, Al and I licked our plates clean.

Happy New Years!!!!