Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

We had another great Christmas this year! Carter was so excited to see what Santa brought him and I think Layla was happy to see Carter so excited. She is starting to pick up on it a little bit although Santa still scares her and is not her favorite person. 

These two kiddos were up bright and early and very anxious to see if Santa had visited them.
Rest assured, Santa did visit Carter....
and Layla. I still don't know how they manage to pull off being good at the last minute.

Santa also visited Al and I. Of course, we are never naughty and were good all year. *Cough, cough.
Santa even visited Carter and Layla at Paw paw and Lisa's house.
Paw paw and Lisa ready for some breakfast casserole, french toast, and quiche!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve Brunch

Every year we go to my Aunt Debbie's to have a Christmas Eve Brunch! Here are some pictures of everyone at the brunch.

Two excited kiddos ready for Christmas! The countdown is on until Santa comes!
The girl cousins.
My mama and I.
Grandma and Paw paw and their three girls.
The Enix crew!
The rest of the crew.

Christmas Eve with Mimi

We had a very eventful Christmas Eve morning. My mom and two brothers came over and spent Christmas Eve morning with us.

Twas the night before Christmas

Ready for the Christmas Eve service at church.
Cookies and Milk for Santa to enjoy.

Enjoying a little for cookies for themselves seeing how both of them were good all year long (insert sarcasm here).

It looks like Santa visited the Atlanta Hardins after all.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Hardin Christmas 2012

This past weekend we went up to Charlotte to spend Christmas with Al's family. The kids had a blast visiting with their cousins and getting to celebrate Christmas a little early.

Opening presents! We got lots of awesome stuff.

This girl was more focused on Chex Mix then presents.
Story time before bed.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Annual Cousin Christmas Video

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Christmas Musical

Today Carter had his annual Christmas musical at school. I think this little guy can definitely be the next American Idol. I wasn't able to make it because I had a full schedule of patients, but Al and Will's daddy were able to take some pictures of my little rock star for me.

Saturday, December 8, 2012


Today Al and I took the kids to go see Santa. Carter and Layla couldn't have been more excited to see the old man dressed in red.

Two excited kiddos ready to go!
Layla did a lot better then last year.
Hard at work in the Elf's workshop after visiting with Santa.
Been busy getting everything ready for Christmas.
Speaking of Elf's, Ark has been on the move a lot lately. To coloring on the kids framed photos (with a dry erase marker), to hanging out on the lighting fixtures, to now chilling in the cookie jar. What will he do next?