Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Happy Birthday Daddy

Today a very special daddy turned the BIG 2-8!! We started our morning off with daddy's favorite, homemade french toast. We then spent the day relaxing at home celebrating and catering to daddy.

Happy Birthday Daddy!! We love you!

French toast is also Carter's favorite as well!

And Laylas....

Al and I decided to out to Provinos for his bday so these little munchkins got ready to go stay with paw-paw.

Carter never up for a picture..typical.

Me and my birthday boy at Provinos celebrating the big 2-8!! Someones getting old!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Happy Thanksgiving from the Atlanta Hardins! We have so much to be thankful for and are so blessed to have everything that we have: Jesus Christ in our life, our church, families, friends, food, shelter, our health (excluding this past week), our careers, and each other. We loaded up last night and went and had dinner with my family in Royston!

Our feast!

Two children not in a picture taking mood.

Aunt Debbie's famous Apple cake!

There's a smile..could the cake have something to do with it?

Layla and Aunt Lucy!

Great Paw Paw and Layla!

My gang! Mimi, my hubby, Carter, and Layla and yes there is a reason I am NOT in any photos..cough..shingles haha! Wishing all family near and far a Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Tis the season...for Pneumonia, URI, Strep, and the Shingles!

I know I've been a slacking mama on my blogging lately but we have all been so sick. Layla came down with Pneumonia and Carter has had an upper respiratory infection and I came down with Strep Throat and the Shingles. It has been one terrible roller coaster this past week..with several trips to Scottish Rite and to the pediatrician. I think they have our number on speed dial. Poor Al has been such a good nurse though..taking care of two sick kids and his wife that is basically quarantined from the rest of the family.

It's pretty sad when your 18 month old knows when she needs her nebulizer and knows how to use it. Bless her heart!

Carter in the middle of a coughing spell..poor sweet baby boy.

I also no longer have to sit with Layla while she does her treatments. She is such a big girl. The kids seem to be getting much better everyday..their poor mama on the other hand is just pitiful.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Papa Craig!

Tonight Papa Craig came and visited us bearing all kinds of neat gadgets..including PIZZA for dinner (Carter and Layla's favorite). The kids had a great time playing with their new matching game and I think by the end of the night we were all so tired of the word "Shark"..compliments of Miss Layla.

Opening up their Memory game.

Carter and his lovely facial expressions.

Layla would rather eat the tissue paper..haha!

Papa Craig also introduced us to skype..the kids were so fascinated.

We had a great evening! See you next time Papa Craig! We love you!

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Nana came down and spent the weekend with us and as always the kids had a blast!!!

Nana and the grandpuppy!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

November Saturday!

I've been really slacking on my blogging lately, however, that doesn't mean that I still haven't had my camera out every chance I get. Nana came down this Saturday to visit with Carter, Layla, and Gracie. While waiting and getting ready for her..we took some pictures!

Getting all nice and clean for Nana!

Some backyard pictures while we were waiting!

Silly Boy

Can't believe Christmas is right around the corner on such a beautiful sunny day. I thinking it is time to get our little "elf" out to start monitoring these little turkeys for Santa's list..although somehow we always seem to make it right off the naughty list right before Christmas Eve.