Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day at the pool!

My cousin Sara flew in from Arizona this past week and we went to my Aunt Debbie's pool to swim and hangout just like last year! My munchkins had a blast and Al and Carter this year went down the big water slide. Layla, unlike last year, actually got to enjoy the water!


Carter and Al getting ready to go down the trecherous slide!!!

Waiting in line to slide...

and SPLASH!!!!

My two professional sliders after they mastered the slide!

Layla with Aunt Debbie and Sara.

She loves her little floater!

My sweet baby girl and I..looks like someone was getting tired.

Sara and Layla! 2nd cousins!

Pretty N Pink

I had a very special little client come into my bathroom this morning for a pedicure...(like last year)

And she was very assertive on what she wanted...

Pretty pink polish for her little toes.

All polished up and ready for the pool!

The finished product!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

3 year old pictures!

Here are some updated pictures of my main little man at 3 years old. Again, sorry they are a little blurry.

1 year old pictures

Here are some of the professional pictures I had taken of Layla at one year old. Sorry they are a little blurry. I thought I ordered the CD so, I had to take a picture of a picture.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

New Cousin!

Carter and Layla have a new cousin! Victoria Elise Hardin was born June 23rd, 2011 at 2:15 p.m. weighing 6lbs 6oz and was 19in long. Mom and baby are doing really well and big sister Sophie and big brother Banks are anxiously waiting for their new sister's arrival at home! Carter and Layla can't wait to meet their new cousin!

Victoria Elise Hardin!

Victoria and her daddy!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father Day!

This Father's Day was real relaxing and special just like last year. Al got lots of love from our little munchkins along with some special gifts.

Special gifts for a special daddy!

Carter proud to show off his hard work! Not to mention, the main present Al wanted was for Carter to finally potty train and well he got his father's day wish. We only had two accidents today!

Little Layla unsure what is going other the fact that she wants to tear into that paper.

Al opening Carter's gift!

Hugs for his daddy.

Footprints of my three year old.

Layla's gift to her daddy! A new picture for his office at work.

I'll say today was a great father's day and looking forward to many more.

Friday, June 17, 2011



Thursday, June 16, 2011

Mommy's bathtub!

Tonight I decided to change things up for my little naughty pair. Instead of their bathroom, I decided to bathe them in mine. They had a blast in the big garden tub!

These two clearly up to no good!

Here lately we have taken a greater interest in our wash cloths then our bath toys...interesting.

Layla definitely plotting mischief...Carter on the other hand, I cannot tell if he is in on it or just going to play along.

No mischief for this wild women other then a set of crazy locks.

And it looks as if Carter was clearly "in on it". In on having crazy hair like his sister.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Garden Fun!

Tonight the munchkins and I decided to play in mommy's garden. Carter had a blast watering the plants and helping mommy out! I can't believe how much my garden has changed from last year.

Layla excited to be outside after school!

Showing off her tan from the pool.

Big helper watering mommy's plants.

He loves helping out his momma. Especially when it pertains to outside activities.

My garden...hopefully we will have some yummy tomatoes soon!

Now it's playtime!!!