Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Baby Update

Tuesday, we went and had a 4D ultrasound and baby girl Hardin is looking good. She is in the head first downward position and likes chewing on her umbilical cord, sucking on her toes, and hiding her face in the placenta. She also decided that she was going to take after her brother and only give us some profile pictures.

Do not disturb
Here she has her foot up and the umbilical cord breezing across her nose.
Cuddled up next to the placenta. If I could do it all over again, I would be next to the food source too.

The cord floating under her chin.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

This Valentine's Day was a quiet one due to the snow. However, we still managed to make it a good one with stuff lying around the house and stuff I bought the week prior because we might be getting snow.

My beautiful flowers from Al. He must have also feared the snow because they arrived at my work on Friday!

Carter's valentines to Daaaaaa, Mimi, and Uncle Chase!

Carter's Valentine from Mommy and Daddy.

Carter's card to Daddy!

Carter's cards to Daddy, Pawpaw, Mimi, and Uncle "Niiiiiiiii" (Nick) and "Briiiiiiii" (Brandy). We were snowed in so I had to be resourceful. Not bad for stuff lying around the house.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Carter's Winter Wonderland

This past weekend, parts of Georgia got up to 4 inches of snow. Luckily, we were apart of the 4 inch area (unusual in the metro areas). Last year we received snow in March but Carter was too little to go outside and play. This year, Carter was ready to roll.

Got to love my Pj pants and rain boots. This was the day after the snowstorm.

Carter and "Daaaaa" in the melting field that was covered the day before.

Carter in his snow mobile and baby crockett hat.

The field from picture two a day before.

4 inches of snow!!! Yeah yeah, in the south we get excited over an inch..so what now?

Carter decided that he wanted to sit down. We aren't very color coordinated in our house as far as snow gear goes...nor prepared.

The only idiots with cars in the driveway and not the garage.

Carter and I out in the snow!

Somebody got caught without their mittens on...again.

The snow still falling.

Friday, February 12, 2010

27 Weeks!!!

This week was my 27th week of pregnancy. With Carter, I did not take many belly photos but out of the few that I did take..I was 27 weeks along. So I decided to make a comparison between the two. Baby girl Hardin is doing just fine. She is approximately weighing around 2.4 lbs and measuring around 14.5 in. She is starting to get covered in her cute little baby fat. Al and I are going to my glucose tolerance test on Tuesday followed by a 4D ultrasound.

27w4d with baby girl Hardin. I think I am busting out just a tad bit more this time. Not unusual for pregnancies conceived under 18 months after baby #1 (AA OB/GYN)

Carter Riley Hardin in mommy's tummy 27w4d.

I know it's a little blurry but Al worked a lot when I was pregnant with Carter so I took a lot of my own belly pictures. It seems I had a darker complexion with Carter then I do this time around..or maybe it is those electric green shorts (don't ask).

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Happy Birthday Mama!

Wednesday the 10th was my 23rd birthday (getting old) and Carter and Mimi decided to make me a cake for my birthday. Mimi said that Carter actually did a lot of the mixing and helping out. It was the best birthday cake ever. We went out and had hibachi with some friends and naturally I could not find my camera to take some good pictures. However, I managed to get some shots at bath time.

As you can see, Carter could not wait for me to blow out my candles. This is how the cake was presented to me.

My beautiful flowers from Carter and my brother Chase.
A few shots from bath time.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The return of Red Beard

Here are some pictures wrapping up the end of January for Carter. A few are of Carter eating his favorite food, "skeeti" normally pronounced "Spaghetti". January was a good month for us overall other then being trapped in the house a lot due to the rain and cold weather. According to General Beau Lee (The Yellow River groundhog), spring should be well on it's way!

Bath time came early this day!

Captain Red Beard arggghhhhhhhhh. For those of you who were fans of Scooby Doo know the famous "Red Beard".

Whats a fork, when I can use my hands?

The dinosaur Pj's were recovered and ready to worn. Most importantly, they were washed.

Carter bundled up watching Super Why with his stuffed "saur" and "saur" blanket.